Labels:reckoner | sky OCR: paom Entry Method 11 enter Kana in the Kana text area 2 select section of Kana which corresponds to the reading of a single Kanji 3 press the Kanji button to select Kanji character (the Select Kanji dialog will appear 41 find and then select Kanji bv clicking it with the mouse (Note: J6y6 Kanji are red). furigana bar will subsequently show where the Kanji has been attached. 51 repeat the procedure for all Kanji in the word to be entered 6 set the furigana invalid box if any Kana does not correspond with the Kanji (the furigana bar will be drawn in magenta rather than blue when the furigana is invalid} 7 English pue Word type text pue Year .esson and Group numbers press the .ook button to see the word as it will be displayed during exercises Kana /Kanji: Kanji button OO button Furiaana bars ...